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2016 Winter Showcase

"Twas the Night Before Christmas"

Saturday, December 17th

@ Stansbury High School

starting promptly at 7:00 pm


* All students must stay for the entire show!!!

Please do not plan to leave early.  The show will be approx. 95 mins long and we would ask all of our students to participate in our DES “Parade” and receive a special treat at the end.  Please give the classes/students at the end of the show just as great of an audience as at the beginning 

* Auditorium doors will open for first come, first serve seating at 6:00 pm.

* All students must arrive in full costume, tights, shoes, hair piece, performing hair and performing makeup.DO NOT WEAR UNDERWEAR WITH COSTUMES ~ for the rehearsal or recital!!!  The tights have an underwear liner in them.

* All students must be at the school and checked into their 1st meeting room no later than 6:30 pm.  Please drop your child(ren) off in the appropriate meeting areas, labeled with their class name/day/time located in the back hallway behind the stage.

As a reminder…If your child is in more than 1 class, and has to change costumes, it is your responsibility, as parent, to come back stage to change your child into their next costume and get them to where they need to be for their next number. The team helpers cannot change the students or take them to their next class area…thank you!! The program order is at the bottom of this page.

* Please be aware of the requirements for each class’s hair/makeup requirements


To help alleviate any anxiety that our younger students (STAR COMBOS & TUMBLE TOTS) may have during the show, being backstage without mommy/daddy for too long, we do things a bit differently for these classes during the show:


Creative Starlet Class (Th 3 pm),Star Combo classes (Th 3 pm, Th 4 pm, Th 5 pm), and Tumble Tots (W 1 pm)

                                                                            (please see notes below)

Starlets Creative Combo (Th 3:00 pm with Ms Megan)

this class is #4 in the program.  When you arrive, please drop them off in their small mtg area backstage. Directly after they perform, please come and get them and have them sit with you during the rest of the show. After dance #29, while Santa is Talking, please bring them to the backstage hallway to line up for the "Parade of classes". After the parade, you can then pick them up in the FRONT of the stage vs backstage :) We will tell you which side of the stage for pickup that night.


Twinkle Stars Combo (Th 4:00 pm with Ms. Megan)

this class is #19 in the program.  When you arrive, please have them sit with you in the audience.  At the end of dance #14/beginning of #15, please bring them to the backstage hallway to lineup for their dance. Directly after they perform, please come and get them and have them sit with you during the rest of the show.

After dance #29, while Santa is Talking, please bring them to the backstage hallway to line up for the "Parade of classes". After the parade, you can then pick them up in the FRONT of the stage vs backstage :) We will tell you which side of the stage for pickup that night.

Shining Stars Combo (Th 5 pm with Ms. Megan)-

this class is #15 in the program.  When you arrive, please have them sit with you in the audience.  At the end of dance 10/beginning of #11, please bring them to the backstage hallway to lineup for their dance. Directly after they perform, please come and get them and have them sit with you during the rest of the show.

After dance #29, while Santa is Talking, please bring them to the backstage hallway to line up for the "Parade of classes". After the parade, you can then pick them up in the FRONT of the stage vs backstage :) We will tell you which side of the stage for pickup that night.

Shooting Stars Combo (Th 3 pm with Ms Pam)

this class is #30 in the program.  When you arrive, please have them sit with you in the audience.  At the end of dance #24/beginning of #25, please bring them to the backstage hallway to lineup for their dance. We will keep them backstage after their performance, for the "Parade of classes". After the parade, you can then pick them up in the FRONT of the stage vs backstage :) We will tell you which side of the stage for pickup that night.

Tumble Tots (W 100 pm)

this class is #9 in the program.  When you arrive, please drop them off in their tumble class mtg area backstage. Directly after they perform, please come and get them and have them sit with you during the rest of the show. .  After dance #29, while Santa is Talking, please bring them to the backstage hallway to line up for the "Parade of classes". After the parade, you can then pick them up in the FRONT of the stage vs backstage :)




1 Beg Jazz 1 (Dazzlers)                  Thursday 5:30 - 6:30 pm Ms. Tricia

2 Beg Ballet A (Legacy+)               Monday 5:00 - 6:00 pm Ms. Mallory

3 Jr Prep                                          Thursday 6:30 - 7:30 pm Ms. Tricia

4 Starlets Creative Combo           Thursday 3:00 - 4:00 pm Ms. Megan

5 Groove (Adv HH)                        Tuesday 3:30 - 4:30 pm Ms. Michelle

6 Synergy Company

7 Pre-Ballet B (Infinity)                 Monday 4:00 - 5:00 pm Ms. Mallory

8 Tumble 4                                     Wednesdays 5:00 - 6:00 pm

9 Tumble 1                                     Wednesdays 1:00 - 2:00 pm

10 Legacy Company

11 Cypher (Int HH)                        Tuesday 5:00 - 6:00 pm Ms Michelle

12 Int Pointe                                  Wednesday 5:30 - 6:30 pm Ms Gina

13 Tumble 5                                   Wednesday 3:00 - 4:00 pm

14 Tumble 2A                                 Wednesday 2:00 - 3:00 pm

15 Shining Stars Combo              Thursday 5:00 - 6:00 pm Ms Megan

16 Prodigy Company

17 Beg Pointe (S/E)                       Wednesday 6:30 - 7:30 pm Ms Gina

18 Funky Bunch                            Thursday 7:00 - 8:00 pm Ms Andrea

19 Twinkle Stars Compo              Thursdays 4:00 - 5:00 pm Ms Megan

20 Pre-Ballet A                               Wednesday 3:30 - 4:30 pm Ms Pam

21 Velocity Company

22 Tumble 2B                                Wednesday 6:00 - 7:00 pm

23 Tumble 3                                   Wednesday 7:00 - 8:00 pm

24 Tumble 6                                   Wednesdays 4:00 -5:00 pm

25 Shorties (Beg HH)                    Thursdays 6:00 - 7:00 pm Ms Andrea

26 Beg Ballet B (P/V)                     Mondays 6:15 - 7:15 pm Ms Mallory

27 Infinity Company

28 Pre Pointe                                 Wednesdays 7:30 - 8:30 pm Ms Gina

29 Teen Prep                                  Thursdays 7:00 - 8:00 pm Ms Tricia

30 Shooting Stars Combo            Thursdays 3:00 - 4:00 pm Ms Pam

31 Mini Prep                                   Thursdays 4:00 - 5:30 pm Ms Pam

32 Elite Company


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